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Swimming Pool Safety Evaluation

The swimming pool is an irresistible attraction for children living in North Carolina. So, it's crucial to take pool safety seriously. Life Saver Coastal Carolinas recommends a comprehensive approach to pool safety, which includes a combination of physical barriers, alarms, and education. By implementing these measures, you can create a secure environment where your young children can enjoy the joys of swimming without compromising their safety.

Physical Barriers: Creating a Secure Perimeter

Pool Safety Fence: Install a four-foot-tall pool safety fence with a self-closing, self-latching gate between the house and the pool. This will create a physical barrier that isolates the pool, preventing children from accessing it without adult supervision.


High Locks and Alarms: Install high-quality locks and alarms on all doors and windows leading to the pool area. This will prevent curious children and pets from accessing the pool unsupervised.


Automatic Pool Safety Cover: Consider installing an automatic pool safety cover. When not in use, cover the pool completely to eliminate the risk of accidental falls.


Pool Net: Keep a pool net handy to easily remove any floating debris or objects that could be a hazard to young children.


Perimeter Fence: Consider installing a perimeter fence around the entire backyard, creating an additional layer of security and preventing children from wandering away from the designated pool area.


Eliminate Doggy Doors: If you have a dog door, ensure it is properly sealed or removed to prevent children from using it as an entry point to the pool area.


Alarms: Providing an Extra Layer of Protection

Personal Immersion Alarms: For children under 5, consider using personal immersion alarms, such as the Safety Turtle. These alarms will activate when the child enters the water unsupervised.

Pool Entry Alarm: Install a pool entry alarm that detects when someone enters the water. This will alert you to any unsupervised pool activity.


Education and Training: Empowering Adults and Children

Swim Survival Training: Ensure that all children in the house over 12 months old have completed or are enrolled in swim survival training. This will equip them with essential water skills to stay afloat in case of an emergency.

Adult Swimming Proficiency: Ensure that all adults in the house know how to swim. This will allow them to provide immediate assistance in case a child needs help in the pool.

CPR Certification: Train all adults in the house to perform CPR. This life-saving skill could make a critical difference in an emergency.

Water Watcher Lanyards: Implement the use of Water Watcher lanyards during pool time. This visual cue reminds designated adults of their responsibility to supervise children in the pool area.


Expert Guidance: Seeking Professional Advice

Life Saver Coastal Carolinas understands that pool safety is a complex matter, and we are here to help. Our team of pool safety experts are available to answer any questions you may have about keeping your swimming pool safer for children. Call (910) 604-6698 or contact us online to receive a FREE no-risk pool fence consultation.

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